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The Evergreen Indiana Open-Source ILS Initiative

Evergreen Indiana is a growing consortium of 104 public, school and institutional libraries located throughout Indiana that use the Evergreen ILS. Patrons of member libraries can use their Evergreen Indiana library card to view the catalogs and borrow materials from the other member libraries. For a full list of participating libraries, please visit the Communications page.

The Evergreen Indiana project is being funded by the Indiana State Library through Library Services and Technology Act [LSTA] grants. The services provided by the State Library include purchasing and maintaining the central servers, personnel costs in operating the system, training, software development, data conversion, and other related expenses.

The Evergreen Indiana Consortium is accepting applications from libraries seeking to migrate to Evergreen. Requests for membership are approved by the Executive Committee at its regularly scheduled meetings. Libraries interested in joining the consortium must have Board of Trustees approval and submit a completed Membership Application Packet. For more information about joining Evergreen Indiana, please visit the New & Future Members page.