
What can we do for you?

Patron Computers– The library has 4 patron computers that are available to the public. You are allowed one hour of time, but time can be extended if necessary. They are equipped with Microsoft Office for all your business or homework needs you may have.

Printing– Patrons can print documents directly from our patron computers and can also print copies of documents they bring in. The cost is 10 cents per black and white page and 25 cents per color page.

Faxing– Patrons can fax documents from the library for $1.00 per cover page and 50 cents for each additional page after that. The cost for receiving a fax is 25 cents per page.

Laminating– The library is also able to laminate any special documents you may have. The cost is 50 cents per lamination.

E-book help– If you are new to downloading e-books and audio books, then stop by the library with your device (tablet, kindle, or smartphone) and we will help you get set up and teach you the process along the way.

Homebound Delivery Service– If you live in the Van Buren Township and you are restricted to your home temporarily or permanently due to an illness, physical or other disability, the weather or lack of transportation, you may use the Van Buren Public Library Homebound delivery service program free of charge and receive books, magazines, and DVDs right at your door.  Please call or stop by the library to pick up an application or to get more information. 765-934-2171.